Your Family Deserves a Portfolio Built & Tested Just for You, so a report is on its way or you can review this page and click "Get a Custom Portfolio Report" button below.

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The user information that we collect is solely intended for purposes of SERVING YOU, including for general contact and portfolio performance and risk testing.

Our policy is not to share, sell, or otherwise use YOUR private information.

Will your portfolio perform well in a major market event?

Are your investments exposing you to unnecessary risk?

Are you on track to grow your money over time?

Are you paying too much in fees?



No Cost or Further Obligation: You will gain clarity into how well your portfolio could perform in various market environments. Using historical market data and current investment metrics, Glenwood will run numerous hypothetical scenarios to identify potential investment risks and unrewarded factors, exposures, and current holdings.

Your portfolio will be independently evaluated by veteran strategists with an objective to minimize risk and maximize opportunities across evolving market environments. We Are Committed to a Prompt Delivery via Email or In-Person. 

Plain language spoken here.

Knowing if your portfolio is taking on too much risk is part of maintaining a healthy financial life. You can gain a perspective into how well you are positioned in the market by running simulated scenarios on your portfolio through your Portfolio Performance Test.

Private Clients, Attorneys, CPAs, and Community Members look to us for proprietary
Reward-to-Risk investing disciplines, over 50 years of combined service in the "financial trenches,"
and authentic care and concern for real people.

Glenwood Financial Partners is an independent financial advisory
firm located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners LLC, an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Glenwood Financial Partners may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered.

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