



With the right plan and strategies in place, you can meet your unique needs with every decision you make.

You can think of a financial plan like the blueprint of a house. Before you build your home, you map out details such as the rooms’ structures, window sizes, and how many floors you want, among other items. Every detail should fit your needs and lifestyle. With a clear plan in place, the architect can bring your home to life.

We look at your financial life in the same way. Just as building a house without a blueprint would create many challenges, making financial decisions without a plan can leave you with ineffective and potentially damaging outcomes. Knowing how much investment risk to take and the retirement lifestyle you can afford is difficult without first creating the blueprint of your financial needs.

We will work with you to personalize your financial plan to your unique life. From there, we build your plan to reflect your short and long-term financial goals.

We’ll help you answer essential planning questions such as:


  • How much risk should I take in order to safely reach my goals?
  • Where do I have gaps in my retirement-income planning?
  • Am I protecting my investments with tax-appropriate strategies?
  • Will I have enough money to support my children or grandchildren’s education?
  • What obstacles are holding me back?

Private Clients, Attorneys, CPAs, and Community Members look to us for proprietary
Reward-to-Risk investing disciplines, over 50 years of combined service in the "financial trenches,"
and authentic care and concern for real people.

Glenwood Financial Partners is an independent financial advisory
firm located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners LLC, an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Glenwood Financial Partners may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered.

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