Our Chief Investment Officer Michael Hakerem,CFA oversees all client portfolios through Empowered Portfolios®, an outsourced chief investment officer consulting firm with a reputation for using modern technology while supporting clients with truly personalized service. As our dedicated partner, Empowered Portfolios provides sophisticated portfolio oversight backed by ongoing analysis of domestic and global market performance against your unique needs.
Risk Management strategies spoken in plain English–That’s our specialty.
We employ proprietary “smart-decision” technology designed to provide you with a real view of whether or not you’re on track toward your goals. Rather than use technology to force clients into a handful of prepackaged portfolio templates and sales processes — and set them on autoplay — we analyze how well your portfolios are performing against your myriad goals, across our investment management support. Empowered Portfolios helps make your money make a difference in your life and for those you love.
Private Clients, Attorneys, CPAs, and Community Members look to us for proprietary
Reward-to-Risk investing disciplines, over 50 years of combined service in the "financial trenches,"
and authentic care and concern for real people.
Glenwood Financial Partners is an independent financial advisory
firm located in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners LLC, an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Glenwood Financial Partners may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered.