As such, we believe that every financial decision you make — and every strategy we recommend — should connect back to the goals you value and life you envision. To support your wealth management, we first take the time to deeply understand who you are. From what age you hope to retire to your current and future dreams, we care to know the goals that drive you and how you define your wealth.

At Glenwood, we see wealth as more than just the assets you own. Wealth encompasses your family, your values, your pets, your home, your experiences, and more. Simply put, a rich life encompasses all that you love and hold dear.

Goals-Based Wealth Management

With this understanding, we can then support your daily wealth management needs with services including:


  • Cash Management
  • Estate Planning
  • Risk Management Strategies
  • Retirement Strategies
  • Succession Planning

Throughout life, goals inevitably evolve. We’ll help you keep a pulse on how any life changes may affect your financial goals — and we’ll adjust your strategies accordingly. And we vow to never leave you feeling alone in your wealth management. We are here to answer every question, respond to every phone call, and calm every worry, today and every day.

Private Clients, Attorneys, CPAs, and Community Members look to us for proprietary
Reward-to-Risk investing disciplines, over 50 years of combined service in the "financial trenches,"
and authentic care and concern for real people.

Glenwood Financial Partners is an independent financial advisory
firm located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners LLC, an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Glenwood Financial Partners may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered.

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